Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Space Usage and File Uploads

Based on usage and capacity, JCCC has set the upper limit for file storage space on the Blackboard server. For Blackboard designers/instructors at JCCC the limit is set at 2 gigabytes. For students the limit is set at 200 megabytes.

If you attempt to upload a file and the upload fails, students and instructors can log-in to Blackboard CE (https://owa.jccc.edu/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://online.jccc.edu), select the Content Manager tab on the My Blackboard screen, and then check the "Space Usage" progress bar in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

If your screen shows you at 100%, it’s time to clean house. These settings can be increased, of course, but they're set to assure that the combined total of all users does not exceed the maximum storage space on the Blackboard server.

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