Thursday, August 30, 2007

Resetting an Assessment for a Student

If you need to reset an assessment for a student (for whatever reason), here are the steps to follow:
  1. Open the course, go to the Teach tab and select the Assessment Manager tool.
  2. Select the Not Submitted tab or All tab (not the Graded or Not Graded tab).
  3. Select the assessment link you want to reset.
  4. Scroll down to find the student’s name.
  5. Click the ActionLink that follows the name and from the pop-up menu select the Reset Entire Submission option.
  6. When prompted to “Reset this submission?” click OK. Your student can now re-take the assessment (so long as it is still during the time period when students have access to the assessment—based on settings you established for the test).

1 comment:

Laura Gekeler said...

Thanks Jonathan, this is one of those things I'm asked to do periodically or asked to train Instructors on ...but infrequently enough that I don't remember how to do it!
