Thursday, March 13, 2008

Online SoftChalk Version 4 Demos

If interested, SoftChalk will demo their next version of SoftChalk LessonBuilder (which we license at JCCC) this afternoon (March 13) from 3-4 PM. Three additional sessions are scheduled in the next couple of weeks. See for details and to register. Register early if you’d like to see the next version of this product.

New features include:
  • New Style Builder tool – create your own styles
  • Internationalization – new language options for generating lesson content
  • Two new activities: Interactive TimeLine, Slide Show
  • Create internal bookmark links within a lesson
  • Ability to name pages in the Table of Contents
  • New online score tracking options
  • New CD-ROM packaging option
  • 40 New pre-built style options
  • New Multi-page print option
  • Ability to integrate PodCasts and YouTube video as a media type
  • Ability to optimize image sizes and automatically convert image file types

Enhancements include:

  • Text wrapping around aligned images and image resizing in the editor window
  • Improved “list” handling, allowing nested lists and improved list editing
  • Equation Editor within activities
  • Increased image size provided in Hot Spot Image and Labeling activities
  • Option to increase text size in Flash Card activity
  • Crossword activity allows special and foreign characters
  • Improvements to table editing, including visible borders when the width is zero
  • Display of point values for quizpoppers and activities
  • New Keyboard shortcuts that match those in Microsoft Word
  • Page footers can now include links, text formatting and special characters, and images
  • New easier installation process
  • New software update process allows control of update by user


Anonymous said...

I am very, very disappointed in version 4. I don't think there is enough difference between 3 and 4 to warrant spending 500 bucks on this. The only real new option is the slideshow. And this version is much slower than 3 as well. I have been a big fan of SoftChalk up to now, giving presentations on it at my college and using it quite a git in my online courses, but now I feel like I have been overcharged for what should have been a free upgrade. I'm glad we didn't but the 10 pack! This is still good software, but there is no good reason for a person to upgrade from 3 to 4.

Brittany said...

SoftChalk V5 is scheduled for release May 2009. There are a lot of great new features including a media search tool, insert widget tool, and a publish to Blackboard option (which I have a feeling you would really like).

Sneak Peek webinars are being conducted right now. Check out for the schedule.