Friday, September 21, 2007

SoftChalk and Setting Column Widths

If you use SoftChalk LessonBuilder to create Learning Modules, you may find that including tables enables you to better layout data (place text and images). By default, when you create a new table the column widths are uniform in width. You can modify column widths (to create varying width columns) in 4 easy steps.

To set the width of a table column:
  1. Click anywhere in the column,
  2. Select the Table command on the menu bar,
  3. Roll over the Column option, and
  4. Choose the Set column width option.

Keep in mind that only the most recent version of SoftChalk (Version 3.03.07) has this option. If you don’t see it, open SoftChalk and if your computer has Internet access, the application will automatically upgrade itself.

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